7.11.2017 - Johannes Puro
We are excited to announce, that the story of The Technology Media has begun!
This new internet based media is concentrated on b2b-technology solutions and services and will operate under the domain thetechnologymedia.com while the twitter account can be found at @the_tech_media.
The roots of the newborn media are located at the heart of the city of Helsinki at the ite wiki Ltd’s office right behind the Presidential Palace and close to the Helsinki Cathedral.
The editor in chief and author of this article, Johannes Puro, hanging at the doorstep of the office of ite wiki and The Technology Media in Helsinki.
The Technology Media’s background – Ite wiki Ltd in a nutshell
Ite wiki’s b2b marketplace has became a central point of the marketing communications of the whole IT industry in Finland. The marketplace collects all the software developer companies, their references and offers as an open and complete marketplace.
In less than four years we have brought over 1 million page views for the offers of the leading software and technology companies in Finland.
The achievement is remarkable since these are hard-boiled b2b-solutions from ERP to IoT, not funny home videos.
As an essential part of ite wiki’s operations we have run a technology blog.
The article types of the blog have been first of all technology news and guest blog writings from experts. These will also be the two cornerstones of The Technology Media.
However, we have discovered that there was a content type that had great potential both in the eyes of the journalism as well as for the businesses of the software and tech companies: the interviews introducing ideas and innovations of the companies.
The Technology Media’s editors have told the story of hundreds of tech companies.
We noticed that by creating quality media content by interviewing the companies, we found interesting stories and were also able to exceed the analytics that companies gain with their own content.
Often it is the tech companies themselves that are the best to describe the trends and developments of their own fields. That is also why our content is continuously getting viral: it is interesting and helps the readers to keep up with the digital transformation.
The Technology Media will be strongly analytics based, just as it’s Finnish predecessor.
At the same time many of the brightest minds of the tech industry are not keen or capable to do extensive content and social media marketing. Or when they do, a part of the process like the visualizations or the distribution of the content is left halfway.
Inviting a professional media to tell the story is more effective, both in the eyes of the content production and the reach.
This is why we have created an article type and series called “In the spotlight”, which are the basis of The Technology Media’s business model.
In these articles we dig into the minds of the most innovative experts in the business and interview the company representatives about their latest developments at the different fields of software and technology.
Some of the articles ite wiki has produced have been collected as a traditional print media. With The Technology Media we will stick to the digital version – we want to act global.
One of the fundamental targets of our articles has been to translate technology into business language. We have noticed during the last three years that software industries products and developments are affecting employees extensively in different roles.
IT is no more just the business of the IT department.
Another continuous theme of our media will be the ways that technology is changing the different industries. Traditional companies are increasingly becoming technology companies.
“IT is no more just the business of the IT department”
The energy and manufacturing sectors are turning into Cleantech-companies and Banking and Finance players are described more and more often with the term fintech.
The Technology Media’s staff: Editors Johannes Puro, Eeva Melama and Elina Koskipahta, Web Developers Harri Liimatta and Tuomas Piispanen, and Graphic Designer Jari Pakarinen.
To understand the shift we need to tell the stories of the doers: what have they designed and how their work is developing the processes of their customers, often changing the industries one at the time.
This transformation will be the supporting theme of The Technology Media.
We warmly welcome you to follow and read the new but allready experienced player on the block: The Technology Media.
We hope you join our readers and enjoy the ride!
Johannes Puro, Co-Founder and Author
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